Everyone was hearing this guy from Spain that talked about America and the world and things like that, politics; he said he had a talent and that he had to benefit while he could because it wouldn't last long, he was convinced that people run out of their talents or something. He was very eloquent.
While I listened to this I was dressing, I had matching shirt and short pants, green and blue (funny, I can't remember if it was blue with green stripes or the other way), the weirdest was that when I saw my reflection I saw myself female, it was weird, I saw myself with long hair and everything, but it wasn't like my female equivalent or something like that, it wasn't like that, in fact I could see a very pretty girl, so I gestured in the mirror and all that.
Before that, this was another dream (first time I remember 2 dreams!) I was in some sort of race with friends, it was like cross country, it was fun. Afterwards we would go to this hotel where a family from the "interior" received us and there was a pool and all.
I remember even more details but it's foggy...
Wednesday, October 24
This dream journal thing is working...
- Dear right hemisphere dream journal:
- my bed fucking melted (2)
- my bed fucking melted
- bleh
- {o_o}
- As promised 1 hour ago
- This is getting interesting
- This dream journal thing is working...
- . . .
- >:U
- Φιλιππος by day, assasin infiltrator, not unlike n...
- fun facts about cannabis
- In Rainbows
- >>>