I don't feel sleepy but my eyes do. I get ready and go out. Got the basic stuff: keys, cell phone, wallet and of course, the artifact. The doorman, Miguel, follows me as I approach the exit. He closes after me. He's rumored to be gay. He stinks. Like, literally, the guy smells real bad. He also has been referred as having a serial-killer face. And he does; he has that pedo-smile. Skinny, large balding head, dresses like a loser. I go out, irregardless, and start my way. I kind of went along the same path, to the right. It was a normal night, I like nights. There's a girl on the other sideway and I lay my stare on her until she enters the building across mine. She was pretty. The kind of girlfriend-pretty but has a nice ass, also. I remembered my mission and pull out the artifact.
I notice some guy walking towards me. A middled-age guy with a dog. I change pathways. I feel the effect almost immediately, like I do when on a good mood. Or when I really want to. Everything seems to be going slower. Even sounds. Some other people coming towards me, have to change again. I turn a corner and stop. Retrace my steps, I think. Retraced my steps.
When no one is looking I take off my shirt. I extend my wings as hard as I can, they feel sore. I managed to climb a tree an get on top. When sufficient altitude is achieved I start to plane and relax.
Everything seems slower and slower and slower. So much I feel time-dilatedness and everything starts feeling holy. Especially the air that is blowing to my face. Everything seemed so relaxed and I started getting fewer thoughts... I felt myself fainting.
Everything is l a y e r e d .
It was like my mind shifted it's attention to the right hemisphere, instead of the left one. But like, all the way. I felt the need to pleasure myself.
Sunday, April 29
the artifact