When people see me drawing they always ask "who" am I drawing. I always sigh in my head because, I don't know, people seem to think that when someone draws it has to be a representation of something that already exists. It's more complex than that, I can start some doodle and not know what it'll be but it'll be something, it's like those surrealist guys who would start writing with no idea of what would be written, they would just start hammering those old writing machines and come up with all sorts of crazy shit. Here lies really interesting stuff because not even the author knows what's going to turn out. It's like a symbiotic relationship with my hand when I draw, the hand makes half of the work, or rather my right hemisphere helps me finish whatever it is I'm drawing. This is why I NEVER draw what I intended. I can think of how it will turn out, what it is about and it will have this and that but it's not like I get the picture in my head and then it copies to the paper. It's not that easy. But, well, that's the beauty of it because you never know what-you-gonna-get. I too, want to know how the drawing will turn out, sometimes it's better than what I initially intended, sometimes it's shit and I rip and spit on the stupid paper but hey, that's creativity. This is why, in part, I end up drawing weird shit like this:
People ask me who or what it is. I don't know what the fuck it is, ok? It's just something that came of the spur of the moment. It's an alternate dimension dog. It's some odd creature, it's whatever you want it to be.
Saturday, April 21
who is that?